oh happy day, parts 51-52

Have you ever felt stuck? I’m feeling stuck.

Eight years ago, when we started collecting diapers and formula for the babies of Juarez, I had no clue what the future held—that we’d still be collecting supplies and taking them to Mexico. Mostly it was a day-at-a-time, donation-by-donation thing. Yet the passion I have for these families and their need has done nothing but increase over the years, which reminds me the fire is God-given!

So here I am—stuck and at a loss to fully convey what’s in my heart. If you’ve been down to the colonias you have seen the situation with your own eyes. It’s ridiculously hard for people to find work there. When they do, the average wage is $8-10/day. How do you provide food, clothing, shelter, water, and education for your family on $10/day? Diapers and formula are expensive to those of us with a much larger wage. Can you imagine buying them with a $10/day paycheck?

I want to share pictures of the last two supply loads taken down to Mexico. But first—a story. We hauled Load 52 down a few weeks ago, and while there, my friend Jacque and I had an unexpected opportunity to meet a young family who was receiving formula from you for the very first time. We were headed back to Leo’s office (Leo is the head national for Missions Ministries) on an unrelated errand and we found him meeting with this sweet couple and their four-month-old child. They had just come from the doctor, receiving news that their baby is dangerously underweight. Moms in Mexico try to breastfeed, but due to diets of primarily beans, rice, and tortillas made with lard, they usually don’t have the nutrition to do so. This young family had nowhere to turn and no means to buy pricey formula. Jacque and I could see the deep concern on their faces. Someone told them about the help offered through Babies of Juarez, and they went straight to the team center. We also saw a sense of wonder in them, like “is this really happening? Is it too good to be true?” Yet what could be more like God than seeing their need that day and showing up to meet it? When that formula was purchased on the clearance rack at Fry’s, God knew full well where it was going. May I never ever get tired of watching him provide. May the wonder of it never be lost on me.


I’m telling you about this family because we need your help. The number of babies being fed and diapered through this ministry continues to grow. An incredible gift and privilege! People come from many miles to get help for their families. Meeting this young family and sensing their anxiety over the need staring at them broke my heart and spurs me on.

It’s that time of year when the many needs of this world are (rightly) put before us at every turn. The holiday season and end-of-year push. We struggle to find balance between all we have materially compared to the rest of the world, and yet because of our culture we sometimes feel squeezed financially too. It’s an interesting rub, and something I hope we all grapple with as we enter this Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Our family heads back to Mexico on November 25, pulling a trailer we hope will be full of supplies for these in-need babies. I don’t really like to ask for help, yet on behalf of the babies, I’m asking today if you’ll help us fill up that trailer.

For my home address, please e-mail quincyjoyanderson/at/gmail.com.

amazon.com will deliver diapers and formula right to my front door. Super simple, right? Maybe you’ll feel such a gift tighten your budget, maybe you won’t. We’re all in different places financially. But I can promise—your gift will be felt in Mexico and quite possibly be the difference between life and death for a child.

And now—the lovely pictures of loads 51 (collected in Denver) and 52 (collected in Phoenix.) God’s jaw-dropping provision through you.

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My cup overflows…