I have officially abandoned my search for words that might adequately describe this massive load of diapers and formula. I didn’t have any the day we delivered it and stacked it, and I don’t have any today. The pictures don’t quite do it justice either, but please trust me when I tell you it was overwhelming.
Behold…the beautiful load number 50. AKA “the mother lode.” (Given on Father’s Day. Oh the irony!)
As always, there were many contributors. Too many to name, and all playing an important part. I do have to call out Redemption Gateway, our children’s pastor Mark Andress, and his generous VBSers though. They took what would have been a marvelous amount of supplies and made it an extraordinary, mind-blowing amount of supplies. Thank you for your incredible support, Pastor Mark. Many babies were fed and given clean diapers thanks to your crew’s over-the-top giving. The body of Christ in action.
May God bless you all.