oh happy day, part three…

If you ever have one of those days, weeks, or months when you wonder if God loves people or whether or not he’s active in his care for us, I invite you to join me on a “pick-up day.”  We now store the collection in our basement until it’s time to send supplies to Juarez, so that means I haul everything upstairs when I’ve heard from Chris that it’s time for another load to go. What incredibly joyful work it is – I can’t even describe it. With every trip up the stairs, wearing an ear-to-ear grin, I am reminded how God tangibly provides what we need. In our table discussion at Sunday school last week it was mentioned how God can do anything he wills without the slightest help from us. We reminded each other God honestly doesn’t need us at all. But in his great love he invites us to be part of what he’s doing. Thank you all for joining this work and contributing to the pile you see in the attached picture. And for those of you just joining this email list having not seen the previous pictures, the collection shown was created in only 16 days. Honestly, it makes me want to laugh out loud in utter amazement!

The pictures of Berta, Flor, and Nora show some of the babies receiving supplies from this project. The pictures were taken while formula and diapers were being distributed after a church service. Oh how I love that the diapers and formula are being given out by the local church – what a concrete display that the help comes from God.

This shipment went down Friday of last week and was transported over the border with no issue. Make no mistake about it, God intends to feed and comfort these dear babies. Oh happy day…

With great appreciation,
