Category Archives: “oh happy day!” updates

oh happy day…

Greetings and happy new year!

I just had to share my joy. Today a big load of diapers and formula is headed for the babies of Juarez. You can see from the pictures how the collection started (thank you, Toni!) and the massive amounts of what is being sent today to help these people in need. The pictures don’t even begin to do the project justice. We filled Chris’s truck to the brim – twice! It took him two loads to get the supplies to the mission’s storage facility to prepare to load it in the trailer. He told me his wife “laughed hysterically with joy” as he pulled up and proceeded to unload everything. He asked me specifically to thank you all again and again for the incredible work you’ve done.

I’m just stunned when I look over the list and think about the many ways you’ve blessed this project. Some of you have come by with regular drop-offs, some of you have provided consistent prayer support, some of you have given funds to buy formula. Many of you have spread the word like wildfire, asking friend after friend to donate to the cause. And one of you has an entire hospital donating its expired formula to the babies of Juarez. Call me sappy, call me whatever you want – but I believe God will grant us the opportunity in heaven to meet the babies he saves through your generosity and hearts of gold. I will never be able to thank you all enough, but please accept these words as my feeble attempt to try. I am incredibly grateful for your hard work and tender spirits to this cause.

I’d be short-sighted if I didn’t let you know I’m in this for the long haul and will collect diapers and formula as long as God allows. (And I hope then to pass the project down to one of my kids! Picture four shows the youngest Anderson, who faithfully checks the front step and hauls in supplies as they come, but all three of the Anderson kids have a huge heart for the ministry already and cheer with fervor as we watch the stash grow.) If you feel led to continue this pursuit with me I would absolutely love it. If you were simply interested in helping in this awesome kick-off, I have to say a thousand thanks – and just look at what you accomplished.

From the bottom of my overflowing heart, thank you.